hai everyone..first thing i want to share is about my housemate..aftee graduated in smkas..now i'm stdying in islamic science university of malaysia (USIM)..n aq tlh ditempatkn di kolej kediaman nilam court bersma new friend..so ney housemate aq..slepas satu sem bersma bru nk knlkn..sorry ew..huhuhu...
n pas abes sem satu..ktaowg spent time kt port dickson...
nak aq describe sowg2 ke ? ermm mcm bnyk je...hahhaha...xpyhlaa..t klu kowg nk ayt diowg..IM aq ew...huhu...klu ajin aq update sal diowg..
'' D32 ssh nk jumpa kwn mcm diowg..seyes aq ckp..mula2 ble aq dpt tau aq terpisah dgn geng aq..aq sedih sgt..sbb sbnanya ssh owg nk jg aq mlenkn owg yg btul2 knl aq..tp alhamdulillah..kowg lebih baik ble jg aq n ney hikmahnya aq terpisah dgn bdk2 kedah..aq lbih terpelihara..thx kowg..aq hrp even degree t kita dh len kos..kita still bleyh lepak cm skunx..even aq mcm xkisah sal kowg..xjg hati kowg..sbnanya aq syg kowg sgt2.. love u all D32..doakn kjyaan kita bersma..amin..''
Name: Let it be Miss Hana. Famous as: Miss Arrogant. Birthday: 19 Jan 1995. Age: 19 years old. Stay at: Home vs Hostel!. Dreams: Wanna be an Accountant.
School: Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. BFF: All person who know my story.
- Make a new friendship
- Blogging.
- Spend time at BIOLOGY!
- eating
- ustaz Teh
- orange+White
- Reading. Ngee
- Anons, Haters, Copypasters
- Liar
- Slow internet connection
- Hypocrite Person!
- Messy blog
hai everyone..first thing i want to share is about my housemate..aftee graduated in smkas..now i'm stdying in islamic science university of malaysia (USIM)..n aq tlh ditempatkn di kolej kediaman nilam court bersma new friend..so ney housemate aq..slepas satu sem bersma bru nk knlkn..sorry ew..huhuhu...
n pas abes sem satu..ktaowg spent time kt port dickson...
nak aq describe sowg2 ke ? ermm mcm bnyk je...hahhaha...xpyhlaa..t klu kowg nk ayt diowg..IM aq ew...huhu...klu ajin aq update sal diowg..
'' D32 ssh nk jumpa kwn mcm diowg..seyes aq ckp..mula2 ble aq dpt tau aq terpisah dgn geng aq..aq sedih sgt..sbb sbnanya ssh owg nk jg aq mlenkn owg yg btul2 knl aq..tp alhamdulillah..kowg lebih baik ble jg aq n ney hikmahnya aq terpisah dgn bdk2 kedah..aq lbih terpelihara..thx kowg..aq hrp even degree t kita dh len kos..kita still bleyh lepak cm skunx..even aq mcm xkisah sal kowg..xjg hati kowg..sbnanya aq syg kowg sgt2.. love u all D32..doakn kjyaan kita bersma..amin..''