It is me!
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Anyeong Haseyo!!!
Name: Let it be Miss Hana.
Famous as: Miss Arrogant.
Birthday: 19 Jan 1995.
Age: 19 years old.
Stay at: Home vs Hostel!.
Dreams: Wanna be an
School: Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.
BFF: All person who know my story.
- Make a new friendship
- Blogging.
- Spend time at
- eating
- ustaz Teh
- orange+White
- Reading. Ngee
- Anons, Haters, Copypasters
- Liar
- Slow internet connection
- Hypocrite Person!
- Messy blog
Bertemu kembali...
Alhamdulillah..hana dh di approve oleh owg yg hana cri..klu kowg prasan..kt site blog hana ad gambar2 inspirasi hana kn..kt situ ad satu gambar bdk perempuan..mse too bdklaa..skunx dh jd ank dara pown..cer kowg tgok gambar kat site hana too..time form 3 n compare dgn gmbar kat bwh ney
gambar yg depan skali too..makin cantik kn dy..nme diberi nor shazniey..dh lama hana cri dy sbb hana pnh anggap dy adk hana n smpy skunx still anggap dy adk..hana knl dy sbb kbetulan je..cmna bleyh knl too xperlu cter kowt bb kisah silam kn..huhu..anyway skunx dh jumpa balik kt fb..n asenya dy dh xengt k..ap2 pown thx to her bb approve n as long as we can friend its ok for me..bye..ngantokkk..huhuhu..bru balik discussion bussiness..salam..